
Thursday 14 January 2016

Have you ever thought that someone was acting really badly towards you?

Have you felt so bad that you wanted to cry?

Did someone get angry at you and started saying bad stuff about you to you?

Was it over the phone?

How easy is it to lose a friend? And online?

Technology can make your life really easy but at the same time it can give you nothing but problems.

As the new phones started being the main way you can talk to someone anywhere and any time, you get the feeling that it starts being a part of you.

If phones disappeared would it actually be that bad? As almost everyone says that they couldn't live without their phones, I'm curious how would life change if phones would just disappear.

But I want to get into is the topic about how social apps start controlling your life, as well as other people.

A really famous app is WhatsApp. After it came out and people started using it, it developed different features as the double tick, the blue ticks and the last time you were connected.

At first all those features were well received by people until they started getting tired of the feeling of control or the need to respond.

Some people don't want to feel the need to answer after reading texts, no mater who they were written by. Was it a friend, a classmate, a girlfriend or boyfriend, or someone from the family.

Humans don't always want to communicate. But it isn't posible to not communicate.

Some need their space and time to be alone or do what they want.

But, with the latest features people can know the last time you logged in or when you are online. And it starts being a problem. It doesn't mater who you are, your age or your personality; you can't always give the best of you to everyone, anytime.

People aren't perfect, and they don't have to be.

If we all were perfect, would we all be friends? Would there be peace? Or would there still be differences between people, and friendship and peace wouldn't be possible?

But since perfection isn't my topic yet, I'll return to imperfection.

Since people are imperfect they don't always see it all, know it all or can do it all.

That makes people do things they could feel sorry about later too. As prejudice and stereotypes are always present in our current society, people suspect or don't believe in you.

What is the worst in a relationship? If there isn't any trust.

Trust is found and lost really quickly for some people. But why? What do you need to trust? What do you need to lose your trust?

If you write to someone and see that they have read it but don't respond, do you think of a posible explanation, let it be, lose trust in that person or lose confidence in yourself? Do you feel bad? Do you not care? Many different possibilities can occur. But what do you think if you can't know if that person has read your message? Is there any difference?

Of course. So which is better?